Wednesday, 7 August 2013

The Arran Show

Hi, Lucy here again!  Today was the final day of our first residential and also the biggest day in the Arran calendar- the Arran Agricultural Show. The team spent the morning at the show, catching up with the rangers people from COAST that they'd been working with this week.  It was also a great opportunity to discover a bit of Scottish culture, with haggis burgers, dancing, and some spectacular beasties on show ( I don't mean the midgies). Finally, the team had a couple of hours in Brodick to get souvenirs, and for those going on to the Gold expedition, buys some supplies for the walk. I was sad to say goodbye to such a fantastic group of young people.  I wish them luck on their expeds and future plans.

Finding out about Bronze Age life with the NTS Rangers

Using a bowdrill to pierce items for jewelery.

Richard the Ranger dressed for the occasion

All of Arran was at the show......

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