Tuesday 1 August 2017

Day 5: The Penultimate Trial

The day began with a wholehearted breakfast, but what for? you may ask... The penultimate trial: Goat Fell. Standing at 874m, the team stood defiant at the bottom of the corbett, struggling to comprehend the weathering heights of the mountain. A willing walk quickly became a torrid trundle - as the ascend continued and the rain lashed down upon us. The only light in this bleak setting was the abundance of new plants, fungi and life itself.

 Achieving the feat of climbing the tallest mountain in Arran, the team celebrated like winning the world cup - with a group photo (as shown above)! However, the task of descending lay ahead. With the weather worsening by the minute, the terrain became almost impossible to traverse across unscathed. Nonetheless, the team spirit prevailed above the conditions thrown before them.

During the excursion, the team was able to discover a different side of the local ecosystem. With heights previously unfound, we discovered a variety of species such as: reindeer lichen, viviparous fescue, butterwort and juniper trees. In addition, the team enhanced their understanding of Goat Fell's geology and geography. Observation of igneous rocks, such as granite and basalt intrusions, showed us its volcanic past; corries and terminal moraine proved its renowned glacial history.
After a hard day's work, the squad assembled one final time for dinner. This time we added a bit of spice with ¡fajitas! Proving a popular risk, the team was still forced to cool down with some ice cream. Team moral is sky high at the time of writing this blog, with a type-1 fun day.

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